well, if you’re calling me out on it… (and to be clear, these are my personal opinions, I don’t speak for Logseq):
No, still no reason to use folders (imho). My reasoning is:
Logseq is a collection of Markdown (or org-) files, using a small number of folders (pages, journals, assets and logseq). But the frontend hides all that. The frontend hides Markdown or Orgmode files. It hides journals
or pages
folders. All that is on purpose: Logseq is a Knowledge Graph, not a markdown editor.
Knowledge graphs have been invented to collect, reason and study information. The smallest piece of information in Logseq is a block. Blocks are collected in Pages. These blocks and collections of blocks (pages) can be used and reused in different contexts. Links, tags and references create relationships between nodes, and thus one piece of information can exist in multiple places at the same time.
This non-linear way of storing information is many times more flexible and powerful then the old hierarchical way of storing files in folders. Folders bind information to a single context, a graph is non-hierarchical by design.
To use Logseq effectively one has to completely change their way of thinking. Only then will people become real Logseq power-users: information is not stored in a place, it is stored in a relation to other blocks.
But can’t we do both? Can’t we do all that and have folders? Yes we could. The underlying system understands folders. (I even have one extra folder in my Logseq notes folder that is being populated by scripts from my system. Those scripts can be a little wonky at times, and I don’t want to mess up my pages or journal folders.) It is perfectly possible to create more folders and use them. You can do that today.
So it is technically possible. But “adding folders” means more than that. It means adding a file-manager. And then people want to be able to move files around. And copy files. And then Logseq becomes a slow version of Obsidian.
In Logseq the star of the show is the block. Blocks are queried. Blocks are moved about. Blocks are linked. And blocks are collected in pages. In legacy applications like Obsidian, the star of the show is the file. That doesn’t make it bad. It’s just not a block-based knowledge graph.
Asking for folders is like asking for a motorcycle with four wheels, four seats and a steering wheel. That’s not a motorcycle. That’s a car.