Is it possible to delete empty journal pages?

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Is it possible to delete empty journal pages ?

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Right Click on the title of the journal page
Click on Delete Page

maybe I should have been clearer.
I’d like to delete “ALL” empty journal pages


i am interested in the same question!

One other workaround is to “Re-index” which will remove the indices for all the empty pages. The empty journal entries don’t have actual files under the journals/ directory, so they won’t show up after re-index.

Go to All pages. Then click on the three dots and select “remove orphaned pages”.
That works unless you have links to those journal pages, in which case it’s obvious why the page exists.


This worked perfectly - and also managed to clear a few other orphaned pages which is great too.


Exactly what I was looking for :+1:t4:

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What if I have link to this journal page ?
My use case is to move on relevant topic page the information and to add the date as a link to the journal page.
In this idea, the journal page becomes a “tag” to link events which are on separated pages.
With this in place, I have less pages (my topics of interest) than keeping the journal pages (365*N years sometimes with just few bullets on my mood or trackers)

As of today, I manually delete the journal page 1 by 1, but if you have a more elegant hint, I’m all hear :slight_smile:

For semi-automatic deletion:


Thanks a lot @mentaloid !
I will try and provide my testing result :blush:

This worked for me, but for some reason empty journal pages have started autogenerating links to themselves, which results in them not being ‘orphaned’. Anyone else find this?