Is Logseq developing their own website hosting service?


Whilst browsing the net I came across something that suggested Logseq are creating their own hosted logseq website service?

Does anyone have any further Information?

I’ve been trying to self host and so far I haven’t had much luck, so, potentially have Logseq published to a website might be a good idea.


Yes, they want to provide an easy way to publish a graph for non-technical users and it will be a paid feature like Sync :slight_smile:

I’ve been trying to get some of the other methods of publishing going but haven’t had any luck. A ‘not too expensive’ service might be good.

Do you know what timescales they might be working to?

I’m sorry, I don’t know the timescales, I can only guess that it wouldn’t take much after Sync is released because the hard part to figure out was indeed exchanging the data reliably.

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Here’s hoping it doesn’t take too long. I could do with it.