I am wondering if there is a plugin that allows one to search and reference Logseq blocks inside e.g a Word document (or Google Docs, LibreOffice or other spaces that might be used for word-processing like StackEdit)?
Use Case: this could be useful when writing a document (e.g an essay or manual) if you wanted to link in your blocks popping up with suggestions in the same way as making a backlink via (()) alongside other features that only exist in a word processor.
Although Logseq can function well as a word processor, it is far from perfect or from being the program that most people are adept with for this and is missing many features out-of-the-box or with added functionality e.g in the case of MS Word for generating a Zotero TOC via the add-in.
If anyone has any solutions or workarounds to suggest I am all ears - apologies if this is a noob question (I am happy/expecting to be slaughtered here or more likely ignored completely).
Many thanks in advance for any suggestions!