Jumping back within PDF viewer

Hello! Thanks for making this wonderful tool. What I am currently missing is a “jump back” functionality in the PDF reader. When jumping to parts of the PDF by clicking a link within it, I would like to have the ability to jump back and forward between these points. In an academic setting, when clicking a reference I would like to easily jump back to the part of the text that referenced in the first place. Preview on MacOS currently does this with cmd+[ / cmd+]. Is this possible right now in logseq or will it be added in the future?

Bumping this up again, sorry :slight_smile:

+1. This feature would be super useful when using logseq for reading academic papers.

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No comment on this? Is this possible? Planned? Not planned?

@timtody @daniel_lin Hey guys, I just created a plugin that add back and forward buttons to the PDF viewer and I wanted to put it out there for everyone to try. It’s available on the marketplace now. Just search the word “nav” and you’ll find it. The source code is on GitHub. Feel free to let me know what you think or if you find any bugs. Thanks!

Here is a demo video: