I was motivated to seek (seq?) a notes database facility by the need to record and organize notes, links, material copied from web pages, etc., on a few projects/topics. I’ve spent a few hours reading logseq docs and watching youtube videos. In my head I have a rough outline which has three or four main topics corresponding with current projects. Each of those has a few subtopics, and some of those have sub-subtopics.
As a long-time programmer I’m used to the idea of pages, i.e., files. Blocks are new to me, and I don’t understand their use or whether they’re important. Should you use blocks or pages in LogSeq? didn’t help much. It seems that blocks are “just” paragraphs on a page and are thus a necessity; wouldn’t a page without blocks be empty? Yes, blocks have their own links – as may points within an HTML page.
In my experience with any new undertaking there’s a point of maximum confusion, and I don’t think I’m even at that point yet!