I wanted a link from Contents to the journal of another graph, but I couldn’t find a valid way to link to Journal.
I ended up creating this and I figured out there could be someone else who’d like a similar setup too:
in logseq/config.edn:
:macros {
"link-work" "[Work-Logseq](logseq://graph/LogseqWork?page=<%today%>)"
In contents:
In the work journal I have a similar one pointing to my personal graph.
A few notes:
- Now it links to todays journal page in work, instead of to the journal, but in hindsight this is even better.
- Also I was unsure if the macro would just work the first time, but it seems every time I open it it links to todays page, not the first day I used it.
- For some reason it doesn’t seem to work if there are spaces in the link name, but this might just be a general thing (I am rather new to Logseq)