LiquidText-like Features

LiquidText has this neat feature in which you can simply draw a line from a PDF into your notes which then later you can ‘tap’ or click on in order to go back to that section.

The benefits of that technique is that it is extremely time-efficient = currently in Logseq, you would have to select a tool, then make a selection, then copy the reference and then paste it wherever you want. If you read a lot of books and collect a lot of highlights you know this will add to a lot of time over months and years. Having the ability to just click the mouse (with a keyboard button pressed for instance) or Apple Pencil wherever on the PDF and then dragging it into a black on the right panel to make a quick link would be an mazing feature.

This would be a huge improvement to the pdf annotations. I think how MarginNote does it is even closer aligned with Logseq. Highlighting instantly makes a reference on a block that you are working on.