Local Telegram Bot: A local bot to help communicate with Telegram

Hi all,

I have been working on a new Telegram bot plugin called Local Telegram Bot, to help communicate with Telegram. It might provide another way to use Logseq on mobile, while the official sync feature is still not ready, especially for non-iCloud users like myself.

It is in early stage, but it now could enable users to send text messages and photos from Telegram to Logseq, including Forward/Reply (only content is sent). If users type carefully, various Logseq features, like TODO, tag, page link, could also be used, since they’re just plain text.

Several new features are still under heavy development, including but not limited to:

  • Send blocks back to Telegram
  • Send TODO notification
  • Change Page and Inbox directly from Telegram
  • Fetch customized notes
  • Save and run other commands
  • Support other types of messages
  • Support channel message
  • Convert non-plain command into correct form (like DEADLINE)

It also has its own limits. Since it’s a local Telegram bot, the Logseq need to be open all the time while it’s running.

It’s inspired by shady2k’s work on logseq-inbox-telegram-plugin

Feel free to try and raise an issue or create a pull request to contribute.

repo: LelouchHe/logseq-local-telegram-bot: A local Telegram bot that can handle messages from and share notes with specific Telegram users. (github.com)