Logseq 0.10.9 on iOS ipad : bullet lost

strange behavior since I updated logseq ( mac and iOS)

On my laptop: expected behavior
On my iPad: bullets disappear

Even worse: when you click on enter, the text is added below , not as a bullet, but as if I clicked shift enter …

If I go back on my mac: iOS updated text seen without bullet

I disabled all plugins, css customizations, reindex each time I switched device, test with a new graph … no chance

Hope this will be fixed

Addendum: issue happens only with ipad on-screen keyboard.
Works as expected with extended keyboard ( logitech)

Confirmed this happens to me too - also on iPhone and also with the iPad external “magic keyboard”

Using external keyboard, if you hit return to attempt to open a new block and then hit tab to attempt to indent that block, the previous block is also indented indicating that a new block was never opened and you’re just appending to the current block.

However, if you hit shift+return, then you apparently do open a new block because the newly typed text can be indented under the previous block or outdented to be same level.

The onscreen keyboard does not create a new block (return or shift+return).