Logseq can't open zotero links

When I click on the link it pops up that there is no suitable app to open zotero, but I already have zotero installed locally.

I’m using zotero 7, zotero 7 don’t have zotfile plugin, so I use attanger, which is a plugin similar to zotflie under version 7.
I just want to import my note into logseq to read, and when I click the note link, I can jump into the corresponsed page.

Hi, open the link in your browser, and see if it redirects you to zotero (Maybe zotero has to be running also). If not, it might be the problem of zotero’s uri scheme, namely links starting with zotero:// not properly handled. If yes, then it should be Logseq’s problem.

When I had the problem before, zotero was open, and I just tried it again, and I still have the same problem!

Sorry do you mean it works but only in your broswer, not in Logseq?

Those zotero:// links are called uri scheme. And if it stops working, very possibly it’s a general problem, instead of an issue specific to Logseq. That’s why I asked you to test the link in your web browser (like chrome or edge).
For example, if you check the Local library link

links:: [Local library](zotero://select/library/items/QN5VJ65F)
  • Paste zotero://select/library/items/QN5VJ65F into your broswer’s address bar
  • Then press enter and see if it works and leads you to Zotero

If in your browser it doesn’t work either, you’d better check why Zotero uri scheme (zotero:// links) fails to work, like this discussion uri-scheme-not-working-zotero-7-beta.