Hello, I would like to collaborate with some neighbours about fence repairs and replacements.
Ideas like fence styles, quotes and general chit chat about the topic need collation.
I like FOSS and blockchain, however some of the neighbours are early stage tech learners and email is quite the achievement.
Is there an easy collaborative software suggestion, like the Logseq Whiteboards please?
Something with easy graphics like Logseq’s Whiteboard and Mindmap would be great.
Must be mobile phone friendly as not all have desktops.
I’m thinking along the lines of Joplin, Obsidian or Miro, but would like to introduce Foss and maybe blockchain key security best practices to new users.
It’s always risky asking on the Logseq forum about other tools (you might not get an answer as it’s mostly Logseq nerds hanging out here ).
But as Logseq doesn’t support collaboration at this moment and the whiteboards feature doesn’t work great on mobile, it’s a valid question. As you’ve mentioned that you want to collaborate with non-techies, I think the only real option is Miro; it’s aimed at a mainstream audience, has great mobile apps, and also has true real-time collaboration.
Most FOSS tools assume a certain level of technical proficiency as they don’t have the resources (time, money) to create good documentation. But for a paid tool like Miro, helping users is its bread and butter. So (IMO) it’s better to look at paid/mainstream tools instead of FOSS when working with non-techies.
As for best practices, I suggest you ask in the Miro community if you decide to use it.
draw.io (drawio.com) / draw.io (diagrams.net) might fit the bill. It is not Miro in features, but you can paste in images, draw text, make diagrams and collaborate on a canvas. Its license is based on Apache 2.0 and you can use the online version or deploy your own fairly easily.