Logseq DB Version Beta Release Date?

I know this question has been asked multiple times, but I find Logseq DB to be a great app, but as it is only in alpha stage and without apps and everything it is almost impossible to use.
Is there any new information on the possible release date, because as I have seen the update frequency of the DB version has slowed down considerably in the last few months, so I just hope that it won’t be abandoned or that it won’t take months or years for the release.


Welcome (back) @matic_lauko!

Sorry to disappoint you off the bat: there are no dates for when Logseq DB will be out of alpha or when the local apps will be available. All I can say is that the next testing milestone will be to test the local apps.

At the moment, most conversations about Logseq DB happen in our Discord as it gives a much shorter feedback loop. But if you search this forum, you’ll find dozens of topics like the one you’ve created here.

Where have you seen that? In the database branch? Because there I see commits every day, so I don’t see how you come to the conclusion that Logseq DB would be abandoned. It’s just very complex stuff the devs are working on now (mostly sync and real-time collaboration), things that don’t lead to dozens of commits every day (like the low-hanging fruit that’s already been done).

Define “release”, because officially all of the Logseq builds have either the label alpha or beta. There’s not been a “stable” release ever in the history of Logseq. That doesn’t mean that’s not the goal, but just to emphasize that Logseq still is very much a tool that’s being developed.

Because Logseq’s team is so small, we work completely distributed over the globe, and work asynchronously, things might not always move as fast as you might expect. Because we’re not a traditional company, things are not as optimized, which also makes giving dates impossible (we’ve tried, but we can’t throw money at problems and therefore often have to spend way more time figuring things out than anticipated).

So what you are trying to say is that the release will take more years for just having a beta. This is becoming unbearable. Lots of people are using your software for serious stuff and Logseq team is not showing a serious attitude towards it. Sadly we’ll end up searching for an alternative, which I really dont want because Logseq as a concept is great, but the implementation is unfortunately poor :frowning:

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I agree with @3yiyo3, I have already been using Logseq before, and I liked it quite a lot. Now, I’m deciding between Logseq, Constella and Tana for my PKM and automating my life. I really want to go with Logseq as its open nature allows me to know where my data is. But, the development of DB version is really slow. I know there is a lot to do, and that what you are solving are not small challenges, it is very hard to mix db and markdown version.
I really like DB version’s approach, and would love to wait a bit, but not years.

Yes, I was in Discord, but didn’t see it there really is a lot of development.

Could you make an assumption, given the progress when that may be, in current months or years, maybe weeks?

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I value, my data privacy for the project I’m working on more than Tana’s AI features, which seem great. So, I’ll still go with Logseq

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You’re putting words in my mouth. Where did I say that? All I said was that all releases of Logseq are either alpha or beta and that we don’t know yet when we can truly call a release stable.

That’s your opinion of course. But realize that you are complaining that an open source app (that you get to use for free!) isn’t getting developed fast enough… If it’s truly unbearable, there are hundreds of paid PKM tools that would love to have you as their customer (be prepared to pay, though).

Sorry, this is what we can do at this moment. We live off donations, so a team of 5 people is all we can afford at this moment. You mention Tana, which charges $8-14 per month to every user, and can therefore afford a much larger team.

I’m not saying Logseq doesn’t have other issues as a team, but you’re comparing us here to closed source, for-profit companies, which I personally find unfair.

In Discord, there’s a channel that broadcasts every commit that’s done (I’ve also linked to the GitHub repo in my previous message). And as the announcement in the Discord says, we’re testing with a smaller group (in a private channel) to keep feedback manageable (can you imagine having to wade through hundreds of tickets with just 5 people; impossible). So no, you probably didn’t see all the development if you just peeked in the server. But because you don’t see something, doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

Sorry, I can’t. I’ve done this in the past, and more times than not we didn’t make the date I communicated. I hate to lie or lead people on with false hope, so I stopped telling dates over which I have no control.

I don’t know what else to say… I’ve explained hundreds of times (here on the forum, on Discord, in private conversations, in newsletters) to people why things progress the way they go. Yet, still we’re compared to paid and closed source companies all the time. But nobody is forcing you to use Logseq, and you’re free to pick up your notes and go to any other tool of your liking—or fork Logseq and create your own version of the app.

I’m going to close this thread as the question has been answered (answer: we don’t know when Logseq DB will be “ready”). And while we welcome any criticism, I do not accept that words are put in my mouth.

If you have more questions about Logseq DB, I suggest searching the forum or Discord, or creating another thread about that specific question. You can also always DM me with questions.