Logseq didn't save any of the pages - Everything lost after clearing the Cache

Hey everyone,

I would like to ask for help ASAP, as a lot of work is lost in just a sec. For a long time, Logseq seems to haven’t saved any of my work without noticing that. The thing is that I had all my pages every day I ran the app.

I just hit the “Clear Cache” button, sure that I have my backup, but when I loaded again my graph nothing was there.

Is there any way to recover all the lost work? I had a lot of things, such as my thesis, research for papers, and notes related to these.


My folder is located in my GDrive.


Can you take a screenshot?
Basically you have a folder for your graph content (the folder docs here), typically CONTAINS folders like journals logseq pages INSIDE:

(Using the Logseq document graph as example)
Then you may pickup the folder ITSELF in the directory selecting UI (not the folders inside!):

I’m writing a FAQ about “How to clear cache”