Logseq Folder Structure Issue (?)


Is it normal for Logseq to have these 3 folders for one same markdown file?

I have a number of cases like this, and they are flagged everytime I try to use the Logseq app.


Welcome to Logseq and the community @fernandobuzi!

The version-files folder contains any files that encountered some kind of sync conflict when writing to disk. Do you use iCloud by chance?

You can ignore these files. But in case you accidentally overwrite a page when using iCloud or Dropbox, you can fetch back previous versions from the version-files directory.

Thank you very much, @Ramses .

I use Windows and Android, but I was syncing through Dropbox before. Now I use the Logseq Sync service.

The thing is everytime I install the Android app I get a lot of these errors and I wonder if it is because of the version-files?

These are because of duplicate pages with the different file names, but which are interpreted as the same page name by Logseq.

As the error says, delete one of the files and re-index. You’ll have to do so via your file system.

Alternatively, you can also try to run the “filename fixer” in Settings (...SettingsAdvancedFilename format):