Logseq freezes every time I open it

I posted a bug a while back:

Such pages appear in Logseq but don’t have a corresponding md file.

I opened one such page in the right sidebar, and Logseq froze. The problem is, now whenever I open Logseq, it freezes (probably because the page has remained open in the sidebar).

I’m locked out of using Logseq!

Note: I have the final version, installed on the hard disk.

I had something similar happen to me a couple weeks ago. I decided to open dev tools and delete any and all local storage a dbs. This made it like new again and then just reopened my local folder.

Hi Kurt. How did you open the dev tools?

Cmd+Opt+I on Mac (also found in View Menu). Probably Ctrl+Alt+I on Windows.

Assuming there is an error in the console window you may want to copy that and post it here before deleting everything as that may help the devs identify the root cause. I assumed that I broke while doing some plugin development and was in my sandbox repo so didn’t think much about deleting everything or reporting it, but I will if I see it again.

Select the Application Tab

It is likely that only one of these settings is invalid, so it might help to post a screenshot to help devs identify the root cause.

This is what I have in local storage for file:// (in a working config)

My assumption is that one of these values is unparsable, maybe something like “clojure.lang.LazySeq@7861” is almost certainly a problem. In my case, developer-mode is stored as a string instead of a boolean which is a bit odd but since any value is truthy in this context it is fine.

The logseq files db has some sort of root key but everything else was empty.

Since everything important is stored in the filesystem I wasn’t too concerned about deleting all the settings and restarting. To delete all the settings this is what I did:

Expand local storage and delete all the entries
Expand IndexedDb and delete each of the databases.
Close logseq and reopen.

Are you pressing Ctrl+Alt+I anywhere in Logseq?

The problem is, for me, Logseq freezes right when the right sidebar is loaded, before I manage to do anything.

The stages of loading look like this:

I tried pressing Ctrl+Alt+I at all stages of loading, but nothing happens.

Try Ctrl+Shift+I.
Apparently its different on windows than what I assumed.

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It worked! Thank you very much!

I followed the steps you recommended me:

Expand local storage and delete all the entries
Expand IndexedDb and delete each of the databases.
Close logseq and reopen.

I took a screenshot similar to one of the screenshots you showed me:

Maybe if one of the devs sees this, they can tell me exactly what information to take a screenshot of next time, in case the bug happens again.

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