Logseq hangs after selecting multiple bullets and hit TAB to indent

Using the latest (0.7.2).

From this release I have a total hang of the application when I select multiple bullets with the intent to indent them.

The bullets are on the highest level of the page and I want to indent them under a ### heading bullet. On the use of the TAB key the hanging occurs.

This is reproducable after multiple restarts, refresh, re-index and even clear cache actions. Every time Logseq hangs (longest was 10 minutes before a forced quite in the activity monitor.

This is on the latest macos 12.4.

UPDATE : When reverting to 0.7.1 this issue is gone.

This issue is already in the GIT issue’s list …
See Un-indenting multiple blocks leads to carsh. (0.7.2) · Issue #5604 · logseq/logseq · GitHub

I will leave this message here so somebody having this issue and looking in the forum only and not on Github will be aware.

Same here. Needed restarting. Replicable phenomenon.