Logseq self-host instance

As Logseq plans to drop support for GitHub integration after the mobile release.

Since I like the current stable version of Logseq (v0.5.5), I made some theme changes to it, and the GitHub integration is quite convenient. So I independently deployed the latest version of Logseq, including front-end, back-end, database, S3 storage, and other services, which can be interpreted as a clone of the current Logseq web version.

If you also like this web version, you can use this website logseq.xyz.

I have posted the changes and deployment instructions to this Repo, so if you want to deploy your own Logseq, you can follow these instructions.

Finally, thanks to Logseq for its open-source spirit and contribution to knowledge management, thank you!

Is it possible that this could be made into a docker? And be automatically kept up to date when there are new releases of logseq? I’d love to be able to use logseq in any browser, with my data coming from my server.

I’m no expert but I’m sure that a docker image could be created but it would be ‘frozen in time’ with the 0.5.5 release as I think the OP used that version due to the fact that it was the last stable release with the features he wanted. Anything updated to newer versions would have these features and code removed.