
An option for a block to be tagged from within it but without inserting the keyword itself into the block – would be useful for me.

Suppose I’m writing a book to be published directly online via the Logseq webapp – its paragraphs/blocks will be displayed as they are written in the Markdown files. I want to tag the blocks with keywords, but I don’t want those hashtags to be displayed in the published version; in fact I don’t want those extra strings to be part of the text of each file. Previously I used Scrivener, where the non-Markdown text files can have keywords as their metadata that can be excluded from export. Also WriteMonkey, which is a Markdown editor, has a sidebar to organise notes that can be local as for each file or global as for all files. I wonder if Logseq could implement a similar dimension to the Markdown files, allowing pages and blocks to have metadata stored not internally as page-property or block-property inside each file but externally as something in the logseq folder that can be queried like the other tags.

As a workaround for the time being, I can create “meta” pages in the pages folder and embed each main page’s blocks into those meta pages, where I can add tags to the embeds without altering the source text. I could also set the tag's display property to none in custom.css, or add a code to custom.js to remove the tags; in either case, the custom file would have to be only for the published version, separate from the one for editing wherein the tags should be visible to myself as the editor.

I think hidding the tags would be possible somehow but totally excluding those strings from the file should IMHO not be considered as you then go away from the “everything is in the markdown files” method.
Unless it would be another markdown file ofcourse :wink:

But I might miss something here.

That method would still be available: you would simply insert the tag as text. You would do that when you intend for the tag to serve any reader of the graph. I’m not proposing to displace hashtags, but to have a parallel form of tagging as a means to create a private or administrative picture of the blocks from within each block. “Administrative” in the same sense that the owner of a graph could organise the files into folders: the folders would be used administratively by the owner of the graph, not the non-administrative viewers of the published graph. The relation between such folders, a list of directories, if implemented for organising the pages, would reside outside each markdown file, to be displayed only in the owner’s app (while the files themselves may be linked to each other publicly by textual hyperlinks or references for navigation by any viewers); similarly, the app could store and display a form of tagging only for the owner (while the blocks themselves may be tagged publicly by textual hashtags for use by any viewers).