Minimal style for some queries

This hack will result in this style for queries tagged with #minimal-query:


Query structure:

Minimal style for some queries #minimal-query
  {:query (and [[your query]] [[here]] )
    :breadcrumb-show? false
    :result-transform (fn [r] r)}

CSS to put into custom.css:

[data-refs-self*="minimal-query"] .custom-query > .flex > .content {
    display: none;

[data-refs-self*="minimal-query"] .custom-query .fade-link {
    display: none;

[data-refs-self*="minimal-query"] .custom-query .initial > div > .flex.flex-row .ui__toggle {
    display: none;

[data-refs-self*="minimal-query"] .custom-query {
    margin-top: 0;

[data-refs-self*="minimal-query"] .custom-query .initial>div>.flex.flex-row {
    margin-top: 0;

a.tag[data-ref*="minimal-query"] {
    display: none;

The last piece hides the tag #minimal-query like in the screenshot above.