Multi language spell cheking


As a person who works in a language different than my native one, my graph contains notes in two languages (English and Spanish in my case).

Having a spell checking tool is great. However, whenever I activate it, as I can only have one applied language (English), it will detect as wrong all the Spanish notes and sentences. I end up turning the feature off… Which is quite a shame, as it could be really useful.

Logseq already has multiple dictionaries, would it be possible to allow the user to choose more than one? Obviously, the UI would need to have a “master” language, but this should be in parallel to the spell checking dictionaries.

Thanks again for your work! :slight_smile:

I managed to get multi language spellcheck running like that iirc:

of course being able to specify this in the GUI would be much better but it works for now :slight_smile:

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Nice workaround to solve the issue, I will try it now! Thanks :slight_smile: