The problem below was fixed by re-indexing, but I thought I’d mention it as a bug in case that helps the developers
Help! I’m really stuck. I have to give a showcase as part of the Linking Your Thinking course, and all of a sudden, something I have not had problems with before in Logseq is giving me big problems.
I have a markdown table defined in a set of blocks that looks like this:
Seeds | Prefix | Description |
Sparks* | [[*/]] | Tagged anywhere |
Free | [[F/]] | Freewriting passages |
Originators | [[O/]] | Idea/Setup/Audience mixes |
Dumps | [[D/]] | Text dumps on topics |
Stubs | [[S/]] | New note placeholders |
Ooops… like this:
| Seeds | Prefix | Description |
| :--- | :---: | ---: |
| [Sparks*]([[*]]) | [[*/]] | Tagged anywhere |
| [Free]([[F]]) | [[F/]] | Freewriting passages |
| [Originators]([[O]]) | [[O/]] | Idea/Setup/Audience mixes |
| [Dumps]([[D]]) | [[D/]] | Text dumps on topics |
| [Stubs]([[S]]) | [[S/]] | New note placeholders |
(I actually have a few of these, but this much should suffice).
On the page where I wrote it, it renders normally, as is shown in the screencap below:
(as you can see, I have a few of these tables as sibling blocks).
I want these tables to appear on my daily journal page, so on my daily template, I call them using a simple query.
{{query [[Flypaper Spaces]]}}
I had no problems with this for several days. I got the beautifully rendered table in every note based on my daily template. However, today, I got this instead, and I don’t know what changed or what I’m doing wrong.
What could be the problem, and how might I try to fix it?
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“| Noteboxes | Prefix | Description |\n| :— | :—: | —: |\n| Reference | [[R/]] | Books & sources + readings |\n| LIPs | [[LIP/]] | LYT (map-able) notes In Progress |\n| ZIPs | [[ZIP/]] | Zettel (fractal-able) In Progress |\n| MOCs | [[MOC/]] | Maps of Content |\n| WOIs | [[WOI/]] | Web of Ideas |”,
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{:db/id 428}
{:db/id 437}
{:db/id 438}
{:db/id 439}
{:db/id 441}
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[{:db/id 10} {:db/id 256} {:db/id 424} {:db/id 436} {:db/id 440}],
:block/format :markdown,
“| Idea Clouds | Prefix | Description |\n| :— | :—: | —: |\n| Concepts | [[C/]] | Universal, timeless, transferrable |\n| Topics | [[T/]] | Specifiable and discursive |\n| Propositions | [[P/]] | Specific and discursive |\n| Questions | [[Q/]] | Ones that multiple span projects |\n| Intentions | [[I/]] | Ideas for new things I could do |”,
:db/id 682,
[{:db/id 10}
{:db/id 138}
{:db/id 256}
{:db/id 424}
{:db/id 436}
{:db/id 440}
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:block/format :markdown,
“| Seeds | Prefix | Description |\n| :— | :—: | —: |\n| Sparks* | [[*/]] | Tagged anywhere |\n| Free | [[F/]] | Freewriting passages |\n| Originators | [[O/]] | Idea/Setup/Audience mixes |\n| Dumps | [[D/]] | Text dumps on topics |\n| Stubs | [[S/]] | New note placeholders |”,
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[{:db/id 138}
{:db/id 170}
{:db/id 253}
{:db/id 431}
{:db/id 435}
{:db/id 638}
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:block/collapsed? false,
:block/format :markdown,
:block/content “## [[Flypaper Spaces]]”,
:db/id 680,
:block/path-refs [{:db/id 138} {:db/id 638}],
:block/parent {:db/id 138},
{:block/name “logeq setup”,
:block/original-name “Logeq Setup”,
:db/id 138}}
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{:block/name “flypaper spaces”,
:block/original-name “Flypaper Spaces”,
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