My sync of LogSeq w/ Asana, Airtable, Raindrop!

Issue: A desire to search everything

Like most, I still juggle a few different apps outside of LogSeq to do my daily deeds. (Airtable, Raindrop, Asana.)

I use LogSeq for personal planning and writing and ideation and because LogSeq is so great at search for “unlinked references” it really would be great to be able to include scans of the contents of my other apps during those queries.

Solution: Backup-based “Synchronization”

Realizing how powerful LogSeq is and that I really only would want to scan the unlinked references for certain keywords I’ve made pages for, I realized I can do the following:

  1. Export backup files as .CSV for each of the task and database apps I use outside LogSeq (most allow you to do this)
  2. Rename these exported .CSV files with the .md extension and through them inside the pages folder for LogSeq so LogSeq can recognize and scan them!
  3. Every month or so go through the same process and just replace the old .md with the new export.

Of course, this isn’t exactly synchronized. Perhaps there would be a way to write a script that initiates these exports for me and then sends them to my LogSeq folder every day but I’m not going to do spend the significant amount of time it would take to do this.

Just the ability to have this amount of unification, when I want it, feels like a win. I can’t expect to be able to edit these export files since they will likely be replaced with updated versions at some point but I can at least extract info from them.

Will a JSON export from Asana work? I did try this but there was nothing after I tried the import.

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I think you could just rename the JSON file as “.md” and then save it as a page called “” (or something) … depends on what you need to do and how readable you’d want an export or backup to be.


This is a cool idea that I didn’t think about. For now with Asana I will probably just link to the Asana task when it relates to any specific notes by pasting it into Logseq.