In Version 0.5.9 I can open a “new” (= empty) graph (directory) and LOGseq mobil opens like expected.
But still, if I open an existing logseq folder (originally created on windows PC) logseq closes (crashes?).
I just played around a bit more and found out the following …
Logseq mobile (v 0.5.9) does work for me, but it depends on which directory I use on my mobile…
The directory /storage/emulated/0/Documents does NOT work.
The /storage/emulated/0/data directory does work using the same logseq files.
So there is still a bug apparently related to permissions - but at least I know a workaround now.
My smartphone is an Honor V20 (PCT-L29) with Android 10 (all standard, no jailbrake no root).
Can confirm the same issue when directory is on the SD card, but when located on phone’s internal storage Logseq mobile (v 0.5.9) works great. Phone - Samsung model with Andriod 11 not rooted.