New user. Still going

I came across Logseq while looking for alternatives to OneNote. Logseq also intrigues me due to my interest in graph databases.

So far I have used Logseq to keep minutes of meetings I attend and have started using to keep track of programming tasks and findings of trouble shooting IT systems.

I’m also considering using it to assist me in keeping track of genealogical research.

Now, to learn how to do queries and what they are capable of.

Welcome to Logseq and the community @jrcar! :wave:

Have you already seen the Handbook within Logseq (click the ? in the bottom right corner)? It shows some best practices for using and organizing Logseq.

As for queries, makes sure to check out the posts tagged with lesson on this forum. They’re lessons I wrote some years ago about Logseq’s query language.

Feel free to send me a DM if you have any questions.