Obsidian & LogSeq: what's the difference

There are numerous comments here about how to use the two programs side by side, or how people work with and prefer one program over the other.
But what is the elevator pitch for each?
What is the strengths of each program?
Why might I choose either one? (without being negative toward the other)
Is there a unique selling point for each one?
I love LogSeq but I’m interested in the way Obsidian might uniquely satisfy a need.


I am also interested in learning more about the differences and if it is worth using both platforms.

I am also intrigued by how and why people are using both Logseq and Obsidian together.

For me the block based outliner mode of logseq is how my brain works. Easy indenting and drag reordering help me think faster.


After using Obsidian for half a year, I decided to use logoseq🤣,
( Sometimes I might use Obsidian plugins to do something, but note-taking is mostly within logoseq ),

  • Obsidian’s biggest advantage is probably that it currently has more people in its community, (because it was released earlier than logoseq, and this time advantage becomes a numerical advantage,

    • so its community has more plugin developers, (they make a lot of great plugins.). But if the underlying logic of obsidian doesn’t change, none of this will do much. )
  • Obsidian’s mobile end sucks a bit", that’s my last reason to let me go,

  • Logseq is outline-based, and I like the feeling of distinguishing semantic blocks, and its block embeddings are live editable, and obsidian embeddings can only serve as a reference


  • Mainly, sometimes I use obsidian as a plugin :rofl: for logoseq.

I prefer to use Logseq, but Obsidian starts up much faster. I can be taking notes in a daily document in a few seconds in Obsidian, whereas Logseq will freeze up for a while before I can interact with it. I have a fairly large notes folder, so that might be part of the issue.

So essentially my workflow is: quick notes in Obsidian, any longer session in Logseq.

I have had difficulty getting the LogSeq android app to install, and as I only want to read stuff on my portables I can read my 2ndBrain using Obsidian.
I don’t understand people saying long form writing is easier in Obsidian, I find it easy enough in LogSeq.
A simple tool to transfer content to WordPress would be nice (I think there is one in Obsidian?) and a means of exporting strict, vanilla markdown too, but that’s all.

Logseq is open source where as Obsidian is not. This has various possible advantages-

  • independent developers can contribute code to the core application to implement features or fix bugs
  • code can more easily be independently examined/audited to confirm privacy/security properties
  • clearer pathway for longevity - if the current developers ever abandoned the app it is easy for someone else to take the codebase and create a new fork to continue development.

Specifically, what difficulties did you encounter? To install the software, just download it from github,


Note, do not download the nightly version, because the nightly version is less stable,

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Thanks, that’s important.
I’m really more interested in the relative strengths of each program, in regard to the user experience.
Which should a non-technical user be advised to use, depending on their needs?

I think it’s more to do with having non upgradable Android 5 - Obsidian works fine with it though :confused:

I much prefer Logseq due to its outliner-style organisation, and use of blocks rather than pages. The query syntax, though quite complex, especially datomic queries, is far more powerful than anything offered by Obsidian. I also much prefer the UI. The Obsidian UI drove me mad as I ended up with countless windows open. I prefer the minimalist less-is-more approach of Logseq.

The only negative comment I would make about Logseq is its performance. It runs pretty well on my Mac, but I’ve had a lot of problems on my work PC. Apparently it runs fine on many PCs, but there are some which are problematic. Also, if you’re into the whole idea of putting your knowledge graphs on the web, then Obsidian is hard to beat.

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P.S. just downloaded the latest release for my Windows work computer, and seems to be working much better than previous versions. Thanks to the Logseq team.

In Logseq, everything is a bullet list. Obsidian supports a fuller range of Markdown formatting.

The daily journal is more prominent in Logseq. You can get it in Obsidian through an extension, but it does not have the same “core feature” status that it has in Logseq.

Obsidian has a mobile app.

And: Obsidian uses - [ ] and - [x] for todos, like almost all Markdown-based tools except Logseq. This is my #1 LogSeq feature request.

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What markdown formatting is missing from Logseq? You can do headings, boldface, highlighting, tables…

True; I have been somewhat imprecise here.

LogSeq forces you to put everything into a bullet list. So you can do

- ## A heading inside a list

… but you cannot have a heading by itself. This limits what sort of documents can be created natively within LogSeq, and that’s what I meant when I wrote that LogSeq does not support the full range of Markdown formatting.

Note that LogSeq can still display regular Markdown documents, but the result can be a bit awkward because LogSeq does not always choose the most natural way of splitting content into blocks.

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Thanks. I see what you mean. A slight work around is to export the page. If you go to Export options you can remove the dashes at the beginning of lines. But there are other limitations, e.g. it is impossible to create a blank line. For me, native markdown is not a dealbreaker, but it would be cool to have it. Perhaps a markdown block, e.g.

Markdown text here...


Where can I download the logseq android app? I couldn’t find it on Google Play.
