I have a live query that gets copied to new pages as part of a template. At one time I used a there was a property of ewo:: used. I’ve stopped using it and removed it from the properties of the pages the Live query returns. However the property still appears int he results but does not appear in the properties configuration list. How do I remove it? I’ve copied the live query definition string out to notepad and re-pasted it back in. I’ve re-indexed.
I would try an external tool to perform a global search for ewo::
It gets stuck in the hidden query-properties property.
Looks like this in the file: - query-properties:: [:page :cluster]
Can copy the string out as you did and paste it in a new block. Which does not have the hidden property.
Or can go into an external editor to remove it from the query-properties property.
For the future, first remove the property from query outputs and then from pages.
This also works btw. Just go to one of the pages and add the property back temporarily. Then via UI you can remove it from the query output and then remove it from the page again.