Omnivore not syncing

The Omnivore plugin is no longer syncing. Everytime it tries to sync I get a message saying “Omnivore is already syncing”. I think I know what the problem is, just not how to solve it. It started when my my iMac M1 crashed and spontaneously rebooted, so I am pretty certain there is a token file left behind somewhere that let’s Omnivore think syncing is already in progress. Does anyone have any idea where to find and how to remove that toke file? Or solve this in any other way?

I found the answer: try opening the plugin settings as JSON, and setting loading to false. Reloading Logseq then fixes the issue.

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Did it stay fixed? It’s not working for me at all now.

I have since moved away from Omnivore and am using Readwise’s Reader app. That works better for me.

I hear ya. I’m actually switching back to Readwise because of their Youtube integration for notes. I hate myself when i don’t support open source though, haha.

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loading is already false for me. I’m finding that it shows a message saying “Articles fetched” but the Omnivore page does not change. Anyone else seen that?

I’m just trying using Omnivore with Logseq, but ran into the same problem. I haven’t been able to sync even once! Too bad… does anyone know of an free opensource alternative to Omnivore? Thanks.

Update: Got it working now. Finally found the json file (couldn’t opened within Logseq) to edit. Now I have an issue with the highlights template… just going to leave it like that and go back some time to try to fix it. Sitll is somehow useful.