Open external PDF at page #


For various reasons I need to keep my PDFs out of the assets directory.

I use the “file://” prefix to refer to PDFs in my notes.

It would be great if Logseq could support the #page=nnn suffix recommended by adobe [1].

Or is it supported and I am misusing it?
Book: [Some text](file:///full_path_of_file#page=3)

[1] Create a URL to open a PDF file at a specific page


I think this only works online?

Try file:///full_path_of_file#page=3 in your regular web browser and see if it works.

Edit: Nevermind, look at the note under. I don’t think this can work:

Note: If you use UNC server locations (\servername\folder) in a link, set the link to open to a set destination using the procedure in the following section. If you use URLs containing local hard drive addresses (c:\folder), you cannot link to page numbers or set destinations. With Adobe Acrobat 7.0 products, a link to a page number works only if you use HTTP or HTTPS locations. UNC server locations will only work if you use the set destinations method outlined in the following section of this document.

Today Logseq can jump to locations in a PDF.
My assumption is it uses what it has previously stored in the “assets/pdf_name.edn” to know where to jump.

Wouldn’t it be just a matter of parsting the prefix #page= to achieve the same?

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Yes that would be possible. But I think it is sort of not possible with external PDF reader like acrobat, because the external PDF reader must support it and each reader will likely work differently so each would need to be supported individually.

That being said, I don’t know if it is supported currently in Logseq. It would totally make sens since the mechanism is already there.

According to this post, it is currently only possible through highlighting. So that’s one way to get it working.

But it would be great to have a simple syntax for it. So this feature request would be the same as the one on the link above.

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Thanks for linking to that. I still believe Pdf deep links would be very useful for document annotation workflows.

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