OPML Import not working. Is there a workaround to import from Dynalist?

I exported a test outline from Dynalist to an OPML file. Importing it in Logseq does nothing. Just as a test, I exported to OPML from Logseq, slightly altered the text in the export then tried to import back into Logseq, nothing happens.

Is there a way to import outlines from Dynatek?

Thank you in advance.

I see that I can export outlines individually from Dynalist as Text to keyboard then paste in Logseq.

I also tried the OPML import in order to import stuff from Dynalist, & don’t seem to see anything being imported, even though Logseq doesn’t throw an error or anything, so you’d think it was working.

Other attempts to import from dynalist (eg copy/paste) are not working great for me – indentation info is somehow getting messed up. For example,

  • bullet
    • sub-bullet
    • sub-bullet 2


  • bullet
  • sub-bullet
    • sub-bullet 2

So it would be really nice if OPML would work

My workaround is to export Dynalist pages into Roam as markdown plaintext and then export from Roam as JSON into Dynalist.

OMPL import still not working. Any feedback on this?