Page offset for PDF Highlights / Annotations

When quoting books or academic articles, the page number of the content doesn’t match the page number of the PDF (eg. there are a few blank pages in the beginning, or an article is part of a longer issue). The automated pagenumber is thus generally wrong.

In the page gathering all the annotations of a PDF, allow for a simple property called Page Offset to introduce the number of the first page, so that all the following pages can automatically be updated and correspond to the publication page number.

Is there a simple way to offset the page count when highlighting/annotating a PDF? Very often the page number of a book or academic article and the actual PDF page number don’t match, so I’m looking for a way to adjust that. Thanks!

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to my knowledge, currently no, and I don’t think the devs have any plan for this in the near future.

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Thanks for the reply…I’ll put it in as a feature request then! Maybe it can be implemented easily as it is in Roam (in the page properties)

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