Page Properties in Advanced Queries

Hello community,

I’m trying to figure out how to improve my advanced queries by considering page properties. I have a large number of pages and some page names are only used as page/block property names. Is there a way I can extract these names?

For example, I have the following properties for a page named “Paperwork”

tags:: Project
project-type:: [[Fun]]
status:: [[Completed]]
completion-date:: [[2024/04/10]]

Let’s say the page tags is only used as property names but the page completion-date might be used as a regular tag by other blocks. How do I extract tags but not completion-date? Generally, I would like to match page names that are only used as block/page property names.

Please understand we cannot search for property pages directly.
That is to say, there is no list of properties to access directly.

So there’s two options:

  1. Get all pages that are not referenced… which will potentially get more pages than just properties.
  2. Do something complex, but I just crashed my test graph :joy:

The first option would simply be:

  {:title "Pages that are not referenced"
   :query [:find (pull ?p [*])
     [?p :block/name _]
     (not [?b :block/refs ?p])

Something that you may find useful, is a simple list of all the property names:

{:title "Property names"
 :query [:find ?props
     [?p :block/name _]
     [?p :block/properties ?props]
 :result-transform (fn [props] (sort (map (fn [s] (subs (str s) 1)) (distinct (flatten (map (fn [i] (keys i)) props))))))
  • To also get properties from blocks, remove line [?p :block/name _]

I fixed Logseq crashing and made something that possibly works?!
It may take a bit to execute as it gathers a large dataset and does the logic in the result-transform.
So not sure how useful it is going to be in the long run.
It also gives back any system properties.

{:title [:b "Ongedefinieerde Properties"]
 :query [:find ?name ?prop ; return both the pages and the properties
  :keys page prop ; bind the pages and properties to a key for use in result-transform
   [?b :block/properties ?prop] ; get the properties of all blocks
   (not [(empty? ?prop)])
   [?p :block/original-name ?nm] ; get the original name of all pages
   (not [?p :block/journal? true]) ; exclude journal pages, can remove if you need to check those as well
   [(str ":" ?nm) ?name] ; change the page name to the convention of a property key
   [_ :block/refs ?p] ; check that there are references to the page
 :result-transform (fn [rows]
   (def pagelist (set (for [r rows] (get r :page) ) ) ) ; make a set for all pagenames
   (def keymap (distinct (flatten (map keys (for [r rows] (get r :prop) ) ) ) ) ) ; make a new map of only the unique property keys and flatten it so it is no longer a set in a set
   (def proplist (for [r keymap] (str r) )) ; convert the values in the set to a string
   (sort (remove pagelist proplist) ) ; subtract the pagelist from the proplist and sort the result
 :view (fn [rows] (for [r rows] (str/replace (str r ". ") ":" "") ) ) ; add a . to the end of each item and remove the : from the name. This results in a single line as icon. file. etc.

(PS. can change the view clause, this is taken from a query I use myself to check my properties against a list of property definitions that I made. Just tweaked it to use pages instead.)


Wow. Thank you again for the quick response. This is actually very close to what I’m looking for. Now, could you enlighten me on what I should do to match all pages that are not properties? Basically, I would like to exclude ?props from all page names. Thank you.

Thank you for the suggested solution. To be frank, I can follow everything until result-transform and then I’m lost :rofl: But it is just me in this learning phase. result-transform currently still seems like magic to me. Do you think what I’m trying to do might be too complicated at this moment? I would like to find all tags that are not used as page/block properties.

What follows is:

  • a combination of the above suggestions
    • The power of the community.
  • closer to what you want
    • Not sure anymore, as your later descriptions contradict the earlier ones.
  • fast by avoiding needless combinations
    • The used technique is worthy in itself.
{:title [:b "Unreferenced property names"]
 :query [:find ?name ?prop               ; return both the pages and the properties
   :keys page prop                       ; bind them to keys for use in result-transform
     (or-join [?name ?prop]
       (and                              ; this group produces the ?prop
         [(str "") ?name]                ; empty string as switch for performance
         [?b :block/properties ?prop]    ; get all the properties
         [?b :block/name _]              ; limit to properties of pages, remove for including blocks
         (not [(empty? ?prop)])
       (and                              ; this group produces the ?name
         [(set) ?prop]                   ; empty set as switch for performance
         [?p :block/original-name ?name] ; get the original name of all pages
         (not [?p :block/journal? true]) ; exclude journal pages, remove for including them
         [_ :block/refs ?p]              ; check that there are references to the page
 :result-transform (fn [rows]
   ;; make a set for all pagenames
   (def pagelist (set (for [r rows] (get r :page) ) ) )
   ;; make a new map of only the unique property keys as strings
   (def proplist (map (fn [s] (subs (str s) 1) ) ; drop the colon
     (distinct (flatten (map keys (for [r rows] (get r :prop) ) ) ) )
   ) )
   ;; subtract the pagelist from the proplist and sort the result
   (sort (remove pagelist proplist) )

Thank you and I apologize for the contradicting description. I thought it would be something as easy as a “not” clause but it seems like it takes more than that. I really appreciate your help.