I am a huge fan of Logseq and kudos to the great work you are doing for the community. I just have a dumb doubt. Logseq asks us to choose a folder on start-up and the folders (journals, pages and logseq ) are magically created there. When I close and reopen Logseq, it automatically fetches the correct folder without asking me again to select. I was wondering, where does Logseq store this path actually?
Yes there is a folder with the name logseq inside the user specified directory. It also contains the config.edn file which contains the required settings. But even in that case, it requires the user to select the directory using the File Explorer which comes up as a result of window.showDirectoryPicker() as a part of the File System Access API. My question is how do we set that directory such that logseq automatically opens up on that directory without asking the user to select the directory.
I tried editing the config.edn file for the journal and pages paths, hoping that logseq will open up in that directory on startup. But it did not happen so. Am I missing something here?
Sorry that I totally misinterpreted what you have said in the first post. Now its clear and I was able to find a .logseq folder inside of my C:\Users\<My-Username>\.logseq. It has 3 folders and 1 preferences.json file. The graph folder contains a .transit file. But when I opened it, its full of contents and I was not able to make out anything. Is there some kind of resource (post / article / doc) to better explain the functionality of the config file. Or a simple one-liner explaining its functionality would also be sufficient
The .transit files in /graph contains your graphs in plaintext to help logseq load your local files into an internal database. Users are not supposed to mess with this file ((or any other file in /.logseq really with two exceptions –
the individual plugin settings accessible in logseq itself via
When you click on this button, some plugins will open GUI settings inside logseq, but other plugins will open the JSON setting file in /.logseq/settings and require you to edit that file directly.
the global config file stored in /.logseq/config/config.edn accessible inside logseq via