PDF - Option to open PDF in directory or in default viewer

Would be nice to open and print PDFs in an external viewer…

works for me, ctrl-click on windows.


you Ctrl-clicked a link like this image
and it opened the pdf in your OS default viewer?

It doesn’t work for me.

I just found out that replacing “select” with “open-pdf” in the zotero link.
For example turning this
into this
then clicking the link would open the pdf using the default OS viewer.

I hope the devs could implement this soon.

In my experience, the search function in logseq’s pdf reader is very buggy and would like to be able to open pdf files in external reader directly from logseq. I use the same feature for logseq pages when I want to find something in it too, so it makes sense to include this for pdfs without just depending on zotero.