I’m looking to optimize my workflow with todo. I would like to better understand the philosophy of task management in logseq as I am used to GTD. If a todo is scheduled, why do I only see it on the first day of the schedule and not during the whole period between the scheduled date and the due date?
You could solve this by adding a query to journal to pull those desired lists you mentioned, at the bottom of your journal. Join the Discord channel #datalog to see examples.
I think Logseq would work well with GTD (even though it’s not my main system for TODOs) You can have your contexts very easily as e.g. [[@office]]. I haven’t yet found an elegant way to deal with next steps though.
As for scheduling todos, I’m in the camp where I avoid doing that, and prefer only recording the due date. I can see that in my context anyway. What @danzu said would work great, too!
At the moment I’m experimenting with a custom configuration of default journal page to see 1/ late tasks (deadline today or past) 2/ scheduled tasks in progress.
All other tasks have an #inbox tag which implies that I process them to assign them a context ([[@office]]), completion dates and a link to a project (optional).