Post-commit git hook is not triggered by Logseq


I am trying to make some automations with git hooks. I managed to change commit messages with commit-msg hook. But unfortunately post-commit hook is not working with Logseq commits.

If I commit with manually (like git commit --amend for example) it works. If I trigger hook with git hook run post-commit it works. But with Logseq auto commit post-commit is not triggers.


  1. Create post-commit script in ~/.logseq/git/your_logseq_directory/.git/hooks/ directory
  2. Make it executable (chmod +x post-commit)
  3. Put different commit message in it. Like:
    git commit --amend -m "This is a post-commit triggered commit!"
  4. Change something in your Logseq and wait to git auto commit.
  5. Check git log to see if your post-commit hook is triggered and changed the commit message.

I have the same question :frowning: