Query by Page Type, when Pages have multiple Types

This question is just one part of a more complex query I want to build but datalog is completely opaque to me and I want to understand one step at a time.

If I have pages with type:: [[Movie]] then this query should get me all such pages:

	  	    :title [:h2 "All Movies"]
	  	    :query [:find (pull ?b [*])]
	  	      [?b :page/properties ?p]
	  	      [(get ?p :type) ?t]
	  	      [(= #{"Movie"} ?t)]

This gets me all pages with exactly type:: [[Movie]], (ie. linked reference)

But my pages might have multiple types, eg. type:: [[Movie]], [[Non-Fiction]], [[Video]] or whatever.

I thought contains? might be useful? But:

    :title [:h2 "All Movies"]
    :query [:find (pull ?b [*])]
      [?b :page/properties ?p]
      [(get ?p :type) ?t]
      [(contains? #{"Movie"} ?t)]

This gets me all pages with exactly type:: Movie (ie. unlinked reference)

Which I dont understand the logic of at all :thinking:

How can I write a query to get all pages whose type includes Movie, regardless of if it is linked or unlinked, or if there are other types included?

Update, putting it here to help others.
The solution is to basically combine both.

  (pull ?p [*])
  :in $ ?in
  [?p :block/name]
  [?p :block/properties ?prop]
  [(get ?prop :type) ?v]
  (or [(= ?v ?in)] [(contains? ?v ?in)])],
 :inputs ["Movie"]

It seems strange to me that you need both, because I would have thought if A == B then A also contains B, but oh well.

What about the following?

    :query [
      :find (pull ?b [*])
        [?b :block/properties ?prop]
        [(get ?prop :type) ?t]
        [(contains? ?t "Movie")]]

Basically your first approach but with different ordering of parameters for contains?
Since Logseq is clojure-based, some stuff actually comes from vanilla clojure, contains? is one of such things. This can be used to advantage with the help of the clojure documentation :slight_smile: contains? - clojure.core | ClojureDocs - Community-Powered Clojure Documentation and Examples

Gives the following result for me:

How could I make this query case insensitive?

I.e. changing the = #{"Movie"} so it also accepts the type “movie” in undercase

I think it can be done with regex, but is there an easier way?

@quor This query seems to only work for page links like [[Movie]]. If following is given:

type:: Movie, Book

, the query did not found pages. On the other hand, this works for a single property value type:: Movie:

 [(= ?t "Movie")]]

, but not if there are multiple property values.

Is there a query that is capable or finding one value out of multiple given (not-linked) property values?