I’m trying to make a query that
- Gets all extant pages, excluding a few utility pages
- Counts the number of incoming links
- Counts the number of blocks in the page
- sorts by a function of both counts (TDB)
My query looks like this:
{:title [ :h2 "undersized Pages" ]
:query [:find ?page (count ?linkcount) (count ?blockcount)
:keys name linkcount blockcount
; Get pages
[?pid :block/name ?page]
; Filter out journals, missing files, and utility/internal pages, and aliases
[?pid :block/journal? false]
[?pid :block/file _]
(not (page-property ?pid :page-type "utility"))
(not (page-property ?pid :page-type "internal"))
[(missing? $ ?pid :block/alias)]
; Get incoming links and page-block lists (counted above)
[_ :block/refs ?pid ?linkcount]
[_ :block/page ?pid ?blockcount]
:result-transform (fn [result] (sort-by (fn [r] (get-in r [:linkcount])) > result))
;:view pprint
:view (fn [rows] [:table [:thead [:tr [:th "Page"] [:th "Link Count"] [:th "Block Count"] ] ]
[:tbody (for [r rows] [:tr
[:td [:a
{:href (str "#/page/" (clojure.string/replace (get-in r [:name]) "/" "%2F"))}
(get-in r [:name])]
[:td (get-in r [:linkcount]) ]
[:td (get-in r [:blockcount]) ]
Problems I’m having:
- I’m not sure which properties to use.
- What’s the difference between
? - Should I be using
to count number of references to a page?
- What’s the difference between
- I need to separate out the
vectors, so they don’t limit the general list of pages, and don’t limit each other. Is this possible in one query?