Query Question: using unicode characters in querried properties doesn't seem to work

Hello, I have turned some time ago to a more “localized” statuses system based on unicode characters. For example, for TODO I am using [[🔳]] while for DONE I am using [[☑]]. They look different in different apps but in Logseq they look ok:


I was surprised to see that the following query which looks for the property value, returns nothing:

:title [:h3 "DONE today:"]
:query (and (property current-status [[☑]])  (property touched <%today%> ) )

while one that uses a text search returns properly:

:title [:h3 "DONE today:"]
:query (and "☑"  (property touched <%today%> ) )

What am I missing? I don’t understand why would it not work…

The first query works fine when I add:

current-status:: [[☑]]

as in:

:title [:h3 "DONE today:"]
:query (and (property current-status:: [[☑]])  (property touched <%today%> ) )


I get invalid query with that…

Not like that. I put it to the block of the task.

Yes, it does work like that. If I am inputting the status manually I get the correct result. Besides manual setting the property I am using the Inline Properties to “automatically” set the value of current-status property. I’ve tested some and found that it is consistently returning no values if I use {{p current-status, [[☑]] }}. Could the inline prop kit be confused by the unicode?

{{p current-status, [[☑]] }} works properly to me. I don’t see why the unicode character should cause an issue.

Me neither, I just don’t get it why there is no query result when i use inline prop versus typing the value manually. I have no idea how to troubleshoot this further…

Edit: what I find even stranger is that if I fill the current-status values by using inline prop kit, the results dissapear from the query. But, if I go and edit the current journal file with an external editor, say vscode, and save the file (even if I just added a space or whatever change) and re-run the query, it works… :-/ it’s baffling

In a heavily customized graph like yours, many things could be suspect. Try setting-up a new graph with minimal customization. If you narrow down to something, you may be able to share it for others to reproduce.