Querying, Highlight Instances of Given Words

For example,

When inputting the query: bank or credit, within all the resulting blocks or pages instances of those words or highlighted for easy finding. Just like the highlighting in the find fuction of MS Word.

Agreed! Would love to see this.


Agree too! Does anyone know a possible workaround, maybe using third-party software? I’m not getting anything on google, but not sure how to word the search query, e.g., “highlight text in any application?” I’m on Linux as well.

Wait! This has already been implemented simply with the Ctrl-F search function in LogSeq…Hooray!!!

grep "word" ../pages/* -n -A 3 -B 3

While Ctrl-f and grep in a different app are workarounds, they both require extra steps for something that should be very simple. I would love to have the option of text matches to have their own CSS properties we can manipulate.