Question about Scheduled/Deadline

I had a question about the “Scheduled” and “Deadline” fields of the TODO items. I was expecting that if I create a TODO and then add a scheduled field on it for tomorrow, I should be able to see the item when I look at the next day’s journal. Is this correct?

I am not seeing this and finding this a little weird.



That’s a really good question and I suppose is more a ‘design’ thing than anything else.

The system has built in (and customizable) searches that allow a template at the bottom of the today page.

It’s based on advanced queries and you can customised under setting > Config > scroll to ‘default queries’.

Here’s one of mine to illustrate which finds everything with a deadline of today. (It’s not the best FYI it’s more what I’ve cobbled together.)

   {:title "⏰ Deadline today"
			      :query [:find (pull ?block [*])
			              :in $ ?today
			              [?block :block/deadline ?today]
			              (task ?block #{"TODO" "DOING" "NOW" "LATER" "WAITING"})
			      :inputs [:today]
        		  :result-transform (fn [result]
                  (sort-by (fn [h]
           	              (get h :block/priority "Z")) result))
                  :remove-block-children? true
			      :collapsed? false}

I’m not sure on the next step as I’ve never really investigated it. I know you can setup a template for your daily pages (normally called journals in the docs) but I’m not sure if that populates for future days.
It is a very necessary improvement though assuming I haven’t just missed something.

I could write more but I don’t want to make this an essay. Hopefully it’s a good starting point for you.