Quic capture problem

When I share a paragraph to Logesq on a smartphone it appends “Share via” text at the end of each paragraph. How do I configure config.edn template, so that it cites the source from where I shared this text from? I would like to add a link with a title at the end of each paragraph. If that’s not possible, how do I delete “Shared from” text.

Also, another problem is that the first line of the text is not displayed correctly on Android, but when I share another paragraph it correct the first one, but then the second one has the same problem. Can this be fixed?

I have added screenshots of my current configuration below.

Based on what I see in my quick captures, this does not come from the share functionality or Logseq itself but from the text you shared to Logseq. Many pages have some sort of “share via xyz” at the end of their articles. Your screenshots look like this is what happens here.

Edit: Didn’t see the display error at first. This is another topic which I can’t comment on as I didn’t see it yet. Might have to do something with the mobile app at first glance.