Quick way to insert special symbols

A quick way to insert special symbols like ↑ ↓ ± × ≠ α β γ © ® would be very handy for scientific notetaking. Maybe through the gui for accessibility and also through text macros (e.g. :uarr: for upper arrow) for faster notetaking.

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maybe you are looking for actual shortcuts, but since you mentionned uarr maybe this can work for you: it is already possible to enter some inline latex : \alpha \beta \gamma \delta \approx \ne \uarr \darr \larr \rarr \clubs \spades \diamondsuit \ hearts \star
I know some commands don’t work (like \triangle \sphericalangle…) but combined with the font ligatures, it’s still useful.


You can add custom commands too, for example:
:commands [["alpha" "\alpha"] ["beta" "\beta"]].

Now this is just what I wanted, thank you very much.
@tienson Would it be possible to also get autocomplete for the \ commands like the / commands?

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It’s definitely possible but I’d like to implement plugins API first so that more people can join us to implement those features :wink:


inline latex \alpha \uarr … does not work now. Is this a bug?
Without using $$ $$ Latex , is any other way to insert special symbol? I want to export the block to an HTML, which can display these special symbols correctly.

it still works for me using nightly 20230120

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Thank you for replying. the inline symbol seems to be ignored for me. I am using version 0.8.16.

Then it shows as

weird indeed. maybe reindex or try the nightly version ? I tried in build 20230120 and 20230123 in windows10

I am having the same issue on 0.8.16, after re-indexing, running on macOS.
I upgraded to the latest build 20230123 and it works there.

The next release should fix it for you.

I’m using 0.9.1, and ever since that upgrade, -> to make → no longer works…

On windows, I generally use wincompose [1] for insertion of special characters.
On Linux, I map the context-menu key to compose/multikey.
And I guess that there is something similar on mac.

  1. GitHub - samhocevar/wincompose: 🔣 Compose Key for Windows
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It is fixed in 0.8.19

Hi, Is there more symbols?

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