As the assets folder can quickly become crowded, one can use this simple R script to move all assets to subfolders based on creation date and update all the links in LogSeq:
old_paths <- dir("assets/", full.names=TRUE)
old_paths <- old_paths[!$isdir]
new_paths <- paste0("assets/", as.Date($ctime), "/", gsub("assets/", "", old_paths, fixed = TRUE))
my.file.rename <- function(from, to) {
todir <- dirname(to)
if (!isTRUE($isdir)) dir.create(todir, recursive=TRUE)
file.rename(from = from, to = to)
for( i in seq_along(old_paths) ) {
my.file.rename(from = old_paths[i], to = new_paths[i])
#' Replace multiple strings across multiple files with original values and replacement values.
#' Source:
#' files - A character string of file names to work through.
#' f - A character string of original values that you want to replace.
#' r - A character string of replacement values (f->r).
multi_replace <- function(files="", f="", r=""){
file_line = data.frame() # (optional) tracking table
#loop through each file separately
for(j in 1:length(files)){
nl <- suppressWarnings(readLines(files[j])) # read file line by line
# loop through each of the find and replace values within each file
for(i in 1:length(f)){
cnt_replaced <- data.frame(filename = files[j], find = f[i], replace = r[i], times = length(grep(f[i], nl))) # fill tracking table with values
file_line <- rbind(file_line, cnt_replaced) # populate tracking table count of find & replace within each file
nl <- gsub(f[i], r[i], nl) # find and replace value line by line
write(nl, file = files[j]) # save files with same name & overwrite old
rm(nl) # don't overwrite with previous file if error.
return(file_line) # print the tracking table
filer = list.files(path = "journals", pattern=".md", full.names=TRUE)
tracking_sheet_journal <- multi_replace(filer, old_paths, new_paths)
filer = list.files(path = "pages", pattern=".md", full.names=TRUE)
tracking_sheet_pages <- multi_replace(filer, old_paths, new_paths)
save(tracking_sheet_journal, tracking_sheet_pages,
file = paste0("moved_assets_", as.Date(Sys.time()),".Rdata"))