Rename URLs to their fetched Page title

I noticed this ui on todoist, and really loved it. This is a common problem I have where I have to manually think of a name when I paste in a link, it would be so useful if the display title of the link was fetched from the url and displayed like so:

This allows me to think less, and just write. It allows me to offload that mental work to the work already done in the creation of the page and freed me from being interrupted each time I pasted a link to think of a caption/title

This could be nice, but I think it’ll be difficult (impossible?) to implement reliably without a backend server somewhere fetching the titles (webapps can’t make requests to other origins however they want).

I’m fine with md links (they are clean) although that’s interesting point.

Something like that should be a plugin imo.
I would vote against till there is a stable version. If added to the core app it would need to be toggleable in the settings.

RemNote implemented it, fetching title and favicon.
I’ll post how it looks in their implementation.

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Good point! Yeah, this may be a feature for future hosted versions of logesq or a plugin to resolve

Don’t know if this extension might be good enough for you Copy Title and Url as Markdown Style - Chrome Web Store

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Would be nice if I could paste in a URL and have it automatically convert into the site title.

Without the actual URL?


An example is like how dropbox paper is populating the urls:

I think there is a link preview plugin in the marketplace. Will see if I can get a link when I am in front of a computer later.


You are right. Just found out the marketplace plugin. FWIW GitHub - pengx17/logseq-plugin-link-preview: Preview links in logseq

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Yup correct! This is the one!

Not exactly what I mean. For example if I paste the current link here…

it becomes:

[Automatically get link titles from pasted URLs](

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I think the OP means a behaviour similar (or identical…) to an Obsidian plugin, that automatically fetches web page titles after writing/pasting their URL. See this (or similar) for example and code: GitHub - zolrath/obsidian-auto-link-title: Automatically fetch the titles of pasted links

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Have a look at this Copy Title and Url as Markdown Style - Chrome Web Store
Works well for me.

If you are an apple device, you can try this shortcut of mine.

Related to this, let us share a link to the logseq mobile app or web app (or desktop app too?) and it adds the link with title to the end of the current journal page (or pops up a choice like obsidian and other note-taking apps).

I made something similar
Chrome: Link-Md - Chrome Web Store
Firefox: Link-Md – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)

but with the additional functionality of quoting any selected text. If no text is selected it just makes the markdown formatted link with web page title with one click or hotkey.

I also wanted to make it much smaller in terms of code size and not run in the background.


Hey! maybe you want to try this plugin GitHub - 0x7b1/logseq-plugin-automatic-url-title :grinning:


Thanks. I was looking for this, but I guess I was using the wrong keywords. This feature is built-in to Obsidian, and think it should come be built-in to Logseq as well so that the oultine looks neat.