Selecting nextcloud folder from android Error: cannot support this directory type

Not sure if it is a bug, not implemented or a problem on my side (like ssl certification) but using the nextcloud folder in logseq android doesn’t work for me.

same problem here, and my Nextcloud’s TLS is working fine.

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I’ve been able to kinda work with it but there’s a problem with the way Nextcloud sync its files on Android. It doesn’t seem to work the same way as on desktop.

That being said, here’s a way to be able to at least view the logseq dataset. Instead of selecting the Nextcloud drive, use the folder where Nextcloud syncs its data. First, sync the logseq folder from the Nextcloud client. Then open logseq and select the synced folder. For me, this was in folder android/media/user@nextcloud/...

Be careful using this. I have no idea if this may corrupt Nextcloud’s sync. I’ve been able to transfer data from there, but adding a new page didn’t work very well. I think I would need to upload the file from where it is and I believe it would put it at root instead of at the right location (haven’t tried). It doesn’t seem to sync new files in the synced folder.

Also, I might be using the Nextcloud sync wrong, maybe there’s a better way to use it.


I found a better way using FolderSync. Simply use 2 way sync with logseq folder on nextcloud account and add a 5 minutes sync intervals. It also works with Synchronise Ultimate. I don’t know if one is better than another, I went for FolderSync because of a random claim I found that FolderSync is faster. Both aren’t open source, it would be great to find an open source alternative.

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I have also read this online and will probably look into it when I have a free minute.
However it does seem like this should be a relatively easy fix and it would make logseq capabilities much better since a lot of self hosting people use nextcloud.

Edit: At the day of writing this is still broken.

Yes. After deeper research, I’ve found out that Logseq Android doesn’t support Webdav storage (which is what would be used to work directly with Logseq). So unless I’m mistaken, I don’t think it is actually a bug, it would be a feature request (support webdav storage).

I’ve found a potential alternative which would be to use magisk rclone and mount a webdav storage on the android file system which would work seamlessly for Logseq. But this isn’t a user friendly solution, I wasn’t able to make it work (didn’t put lot of time into it either).

While writing this, I’ve found out RCX, maybe that could work.

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Here’s what I’ve found so far for syncing with WebDav

@DeepReef11 Hi! thank you so much. This worked for me (2-way FolderSync) and saved me a lot of time. Currently running Logseq on Android - Nextcloud - PCs.