Set a selection of pages in All Pages as public or private

Currently, each page needs to be set as public or private individuals. It will be very helpful (and natural) to make a selected set of pages from All pages as private or public.

Even better: generally to be able to set a value of an attribute for a set of selected pages.

I can definitely see the value in this. itā€™s really complicated and time consumign at the moment to bulk mark pages as public.

This means two features:

  1. A new column ā€œPublicā€ in the table view with values T and F
  2. New ā€œbuttonā€ make selected pages public/private
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It would be great if in the ā€˜All Pagesā€™ view we could select multiple pages and mark them to be public (I.e., public:: true). Bonus points if related namespace pages and asset pages get marked public too.

Iā€™m trying to use GitHub - pengx17/logseq-publish: Logseq Publish Action
but since I have many many pages, itā€™s not publishing the right graph, only a few pages.
I query for the other pages in those public pages, but the data from query is not set as public in the precess or publication.

I would also benefit from ā€œSelect allā€ make All public. Or make Project public.
Or make all referenced data in public pages also public.

You can make all public from settings. There would be a setting called all pages public.

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I think this will create the next pages as public?
The github-pages workflow didnā€™t identify all pages as public.