Show tasks in daily journal

There are default queries in config.edn that look like they show tasks flagged with NOW and LATER. However, it appears that they only show tasks that are entered on the current day. I would like to have queries that show all tasks flagged with NOW or the current date on any page in my vault to show up in this query on my daily journal page. Could someone help me with the syntax for a query to do this to replace the default one.



{:title "🔨 NOW"
    :query [:find (pull ?h [*])
            :in $ ?start ?today
            [?h :block/marker ?marker]
            [?h :block/page ?p]
            [?p :page/journal? true]
            [?p :page/journal-day ?d]
            [(>= ?d ?start)]
            [(< ?d ?today)]
            [(contains? #{"NOW" "DOING"} ?marker)]]
    :inputs [:300d :today]
    :result-transform (fn [result]
                        (sort-by (fn [h]
                                   (get h :block/priority "Z")) result))
    :collapsed? false}

{{query (todo now)}}

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hi folks,

I have a similar question. I searched around and this seemed to be the closest question to mine, so I will piggyback on to it, is this ok?

It used to be that when I look at today’s journal entry logseq would show me all my “DOING” tasks. This is no longer. I can just {{query (todo doing)}} , as @superching has suggested above, however, I want logseq to remind me of what I need to do today, not the reverse :slight_smile:


in config.edn(:default-queries) you can add something like this, to get only the DOING status:

{:title [:h4 "🏳️ DOING"]
      :query [:find (pull ?b [*])
			  [?b :block/marker ?marker]
			  [(contains? #{"DOING"} ?marker)]]
      :collapsed? true}

If you want other status like TODO, just replace to “TODO”,“DOING” above.

@lpfreitas Thanks very much, it worked. I wonder why it stopped doing this :slight_smile: I changed “collapsed” to false and it is exactly what I wanted.

Is there a written manual / tutorial anywhere? I keep finding videos on how to use logseq. I am really terrible with videos :slight_smile:

There’s a lot of information scattered across various platforms like here, Discord, YouTube, etc., but I believe the best centralized writing format would be here: