If you only want to show priority “A”, just delete the unwanted priorities in the line " [(contains? #{“A” “B” “C”} ?priority)] " (e.g. [(contains? #{“A”} ?priority)] )
By clicking on “set properties” and deactivating and activating the properties in your desirerd order, you can set the order of your columns!
Thanks very much for your reply! This seems to be a step in the right direction. I see the marker, however it is still not possible to click on the toggle to complete the task from the table view.
If clicking on the toggle to complete the tasks from the table view were possible, then we would get a UX similar to traditional task managers, which would be nice.
@ste I played around a bit with your query to try implementing another thing I would like to have which is to show the journal day in table view. So under :result-transform I replaced (get r :block/marker) with (get-in r [:block/page :block/journal-day]) and I got the following:
Any idea how to get the date to be displayed as shown in the journal title (e.g Nov 24th, 2022 instead of 20221124)?
Edit: Using :block/name instead of :block/journal-day does display the date, however if you click on the column to sort by that column, it will sorty alphabetically instead of by actual date. However if you create a date property on the block itself and add a journal page as a value, the column both shows the date and also sorts correctly chronologically when clicking on it. Is there a way to have that same behaviour with a :result-transform without adding the date itself manually to each block as a property?
I was able to get a solution from Discord by Darwis. It requires using Logseq nightly since it uses a feature not yet officially released.
Basically consists of using :result-transform to add functionality when clicking on the marker to change state by using call-api ability.
See the discussion here for more details.
I will mark this as a solution but IMO I still think this should be easier to achieve.