Smarter Neovim plugin


Logseq is great, but I’d like to be able to use external editor like Neovim, while taking advantage of Logseq UI/grpah/etc. features.

Just stumbled on one interesting plugin for Obsidian which is described as: “Built for people who love the concept of Obsidian – a simple, markdown-based notes app – but love Neovim too much to stand typing characters into anything else.”, so wonder if something like that could be written for Logseq considering its architecture?

I’ve been using Marksman for a bit now. Using nvim lsp to gd and gf through my notes is awesome and so much faster than the Logseq or Obsidian ui. TBH Obsidian.nvim was a bit opinionated for my use. The only features I’m missing now are templates, queries, and better in-line markdown rendering w images.

You may want to try image.nvim for inline Markdown image rendering

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